
to a life taking risks

June 23, 2016

I have decided to live life taking risks and embracing the unknown. If there was no mystery in life, there won’t be any room for faith. By definition, Hebrews 11 says, “faith is certainty in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Basically, what a life of faith looks like is embracing the unknown and believing in the things we hope for in life.

Cheers to living an audacious life! Here’s to one more month of worry-free, anxiety-free, stress-free time of resting at home before taking a leap of faith straight into LA beginning of August.

Do I know what I’ll be doing there? No, not exactly. Is it a risk? Yes. But is it an epic faith opportunity? Heck yeah. I’ll take it ;)

Let’s see where this road takes me…!


It's my duty to love

June 21, 2016

Yesterday was Father’s Day. But in our household, it looked more like a Mother’s Day. My mom hurt her back the previous day and was in a lot of discomfort last night. In the evening time after dinner, I saw my dad sitting by my mom’s side, tending to her back and trying to help her feel better. After an hour or so, feeling much better with my dad’s care, my mom thanked my dad. In response, he chuckled and said, “It’s my duty.” And he looked at me and explained how in this situation, he wouldn’t say “it’s my pleasure” (my dad's favorite English phrase) because it’s not his pleasure that my mom is in pain, and it’s not his pleasure to have to tend to my mom’s back for an hour, but that he does it simply because it’s his duty to do so as a husband.

Recently, I’ve been thinking about how emotionally messy relationships are, and I’ve been wresting with this idea of what love is… and what my dad said about his act of love being his duty really brought a lot of my thoughts into a conclusion.