
Facing My Fear - Canada Ep 1 | #TravelVlog

October 02, 2017

So begins the story of our week long family vacation to Canada.


I recently heard on a podcast series that we fear the things we do not understand. (ie: Many people are afraid of snakes because they don't understand how they can slither across the floor). For me, that's airplanes. I just simply don't understand how something as massive and heavy as an airplane can get off the ground, and stay off the ground for that long. I read up on the science behind it, but still. It just doesn't make sense to me. 

Life in my early twenties often feels like this airplane ride. Just as I'm getting ready for my life's take off, fear seems to be the first to greet me.

Ready... Set...WOAH. hold on. What? No way. How? Are you sure? 

Fear: The thing that hinders that first step forward into your destiny, your purpose, your calling. 

If you want to get to your destination, you need to have the courage to face your fears. 



August 04, 2017

DEAR RECENT GRADS WHO DON'T HAVE IT FIGURED OUT YET.... "Identity doesn't get found. It emerges." This is something that stood out to me from the book, "The Start-Up of You," written by Reid Hoffman, the cofounder and Chairman of LinkedIn, and Ben Casnocha. I think there is pressure for a lot of us in our early twenties to "find our identity" and to have our career plans all mapped for the next 10 years. After I graduated from college, I was desperately searching for the answer to what type of career, which position, and which company can best form my identity. However, we need to remember, as the book states, that we are always on constant beta mode. Who we are now is not the final product and our identity in the workforce doesn't get found and stays the same forever; it *emerges* as our skills, networks, and the opportunities around us constantly shift and grow. The question is, are we ready to pivot with the new opportunities and are we bold enough to take the next step forward? For anyone feeling quite lost, it's okay to not know where you want to be 5 years, 10 years from now. The world is volatile and changing faster now than ever. It's OKAY to not have everything figured out. Just be nimble to shift and ride the big waves as changes and new opportunities come your way. 👌#thestartupofyou #careeradvice #recentgradproblems #earlytwenties #parkscanada
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Feel everything

July 08, 2017

t h o u g h t s || These days I've been trying to live life more mindfully and to process my emotions rather than being so detached to it. I feel like we've become too much of an "I'm fine" society. "I'm fine." A socially conditioned response rolling off the tip of our tongue even before the end of the question. And I get it. The question is meant more as a greeting rather than as an actual question. But I feel like this socially conditioned answer to the question has become so seeped into our mindset that in all situations, whether in the deeps of the valley or in the highs of the mountain top, our brain automatically puts out that easy "I'm fine" answer. I know many of us can relate to that viral meme of the cartoon dog sitting inside a burning house going, "This is fine." But is it really fine to live like this? I don't know about you, but I want to feel. Feel everything. To feel the deep sting in my soul when I'm betrayed by a friend, to feel the pain of the people crying out against injustice, to feel the heaviness of life as burdens, sicknesses, and death surrounds us. Because it's these unwelcomed, not fine feelings like loneliness, pain, and sorrow that reminds me to appreciate the beauty of life and the beauty of the gospel even more. To breathe in the fresh air of love into the deep hollows of my soul, to have strength to hope and believe for a better future, and to see how light shines each morning to brighten even the darkest of nights. I would rather live a not fine life being fully present, than a fine life being mindlessly numb. #kilonthoughts

A post shared by Sharon Kilon Han (@sharonkilonhan) on

March 2017: NO REGRETS | #VideoDiary

April 05, 2017

It's a diary in form of a video. #VideoDiary
March. 21
When I was in high school, I wrote one of my college essays on how I hate the feeling of regret. It makes me feel so helpless cause I can’t do anything about the time that has already passed. That’s why I try my best to live in a way that I won’t be filled with regret later. And know that THIS requires wisdom...

Lunch break photoshoot

March 27, 2017

**All photos were edited using the WOODY COLLECTION Lightroom presets, which are available for purchase on the bottom of this page :) **

For those of you who told me you keep up with my blog, sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I have a journal full of project ideas, but I just haven't had the time to sit down and get to it.
The past weeks have been really crazy with my friend's wedding, church events, and my part time gig with music business. When life gets busy like this, sometimes, that 1 hour lunch break becomes the most productive hour of the day.

Especially when it comes to photography, and you need that daytime sunlight, that lunch break is the golden hour to go out and take some photos! So I took two of my coworkers out and we just roamed around our office area to take some photos!

We didn't know exactly where to take photos, so we just started off roaming around in front of our office building. 

Then we found this nice woody corner, and decided to pretend we are at some tropical forest far far away~

Then we headed over to LACMA, which we've been blessed to work so close by to.
Miss Celebrity walking down the street x) 

My favorite shot from this lunch break photoshoot :) Sun kissed joy on this fine sunny day~


DEAR DAD | #VideoDiary

February 05, 2017

Feb. 5th, 2017. This video was made as a birthday gift to my dad. This was the most emotional video editing process, and many many tears were shed in the process. When I was moving to LA, my dad and I took the opportunity to road trip and hit some beautiful spots on the way as we drove from Illinois to California. Featured in this video are: Monument Valley National Park, Canyon Lands, Horseshoe Bend, and Antelope Canyon!
Happy birthday dad! From the bottom of my heart.
Song: I.O.U by Carry & Ron
Press "CC" for English Subs


January 2017: TO BE A DOER | #VideoDiary

January 29, 2017

My thoughts on January 2017? It's that I just want to be inspired, and to inspire.
1 down out of 12 months already, and I want to make each day count. Here's to stop being a vision hoarder, but to be a DOER! :)


SIGNS - Flaviyake | #CoffeeChat

January 22, 2017

This is Flaviyake, a singer/songwriter here in LA. I got to meet up with her at a coffee shop and she shared with me her story of how she ended up in LA, some of the challenges she had to face, and her purpose behind her music career.

She shared that there was a time in life when she felt totally lost.  This is something I can completely relate to. Feeling totally lost, having no idea where I'm supposed to go, what I'm supposed to do, and feeling like everyone else around me knows the answers, except for me. I felt like this my senior year of high school, my senior year of college, and frankly, I still feel like this at times. I feel like life is a great mystery journey and I just need to figure it out one day at a time.
What's interesting about her story is that in this time when she felt totally lost, she started seeing signs. From a dress at a fashion store to seeing white feathers, these signs have guided her and confirmed her decision to pursue music in Los Angeles.

After hearing her story, it made me wonder, maybe there are such signs in our lives as well, but many of us are way too busy with life to notice them.

Something she said that really encouraged me was this. She said, "difficulties and obstacles make our shape and make us beautiful like a diamond." She is someone who has faced some very difficult situations herself, so these words carried a lot of weight coming from her.  She shares in the interview that she lost her mom this year (2016), because she committed suicide. She talks about how people avoid talking about this, but it is something that happens too often to just ignore it. According to, every 40 seconds, someone commits suicide in the world. With statistics like this, it makes me realize the gravity of this issue and how so many people around the world are affected by this. She mentioned also that when someone you are related to commits suicide, everyone feels guilty. Suicides not only affect the person, but it also affects everyone around them. I can't even imagine how hard this must have been for Flaviya, but also, I was moved by the beauty of her strength coming out of this difficulty. She said that whenever you feel depressed, or think that you want to kill yourself, you must give yourself another chance. To have this mindset to give yourself another chance and to do something; To write another song, meet new people, and do something every time because that's what makes you alive.

I can see how some of the difficulties and obstacles that she had to face in her life has indeed made her stronger and more beautiful. I'm really thankful for the ways that God has led her to LA through the different signs because what she does matter. The music she writes and the songs she shares matter. Her life is an inspiration and I hope that she can use the opportunities she's been given as a singer to share her strengths and to encourage other people who may be going through some very difficult situations themselves.

At the end of the interview I asked her to write a letter to whomever she would like to address the letter to. This is what she wrote:

"Dear warriors,

Be open to see the signs on your way. 
Be open for challenges. 
Follow your heart and beliefs. 
Challenges polish us to get a shape of a diamond.

12. 03. 2016"
Thank you Flaviyake for sharing your story.

Video of #CoffeeChat interview with Flaviyake:


10 years ago...

January 18, 2017

Today, I am sitting in front of my laptop writing this as a 23 year old who has a college degree and a full time job. It's crazy because I can still remember, clear as day, what I was like 10 years ago.

A 13 year old, in 7th grade. It's been a whole decade, but it's weird because I feel like 7th grade wasn't that long ago. The girl I was in 7th grade doesn't seem that foreign to me.

If my 13 year old self were to meet who I am now, would I be proud or disappointed?

Have the hopes and dreams of a 13 year old been fulfilled?

When I was 13, I had so much hopes that I would grow to be tall.  It did not happen. But I learned to love my height when I joined cheerleading. In the cheerleading world, my height was considered "perfect."

When I was 13, I was extremely afraid of public speaking. To be honest, I still am, but I've learn to face this fear and to declare victory over it. I've been able to talk boldly in front of hundreds of people and people even voted for me as the best presenter in my class!

Then and now, I realized I've overcome some of my biggest insecurities and I've conquered some of my biggest fears.

When I compare myself to many other 23 year olds, I can find myself feeling like I'm behind in life. But I think I've become an alright human being, and I'm proud of myself for that.

Thanks for not losing hope and for walking in faith over the course of a decade. I appreciate you for the young lady you've become.

- 23 old me


22 things I learned at age 22

January 11, 2017

I just turned 23, but I still feel 22. When I was 22, I felt 21. When I was 21, I felt 20. When I was 20, I felt 19. So technically, I'm 23, but I still feel like a teenager.

But thinking back at all these years that I've aged, year after year, I realize I did learn a lot, grew as a person, and I hope I can say, I've matured and gained some wisdom :) 

While it's only been a few days since I stepped away from Taylor Swift 22 days and into my Jordan year, I thought I would do some reflection. So here's 22 things I learned at age 22:

1. We are all a little lost, a little confused, and very much uncertain about life, but that's okay.

2. Our Facebook posts are decreasing while our Instagram posts are becoming artsier. 

3. Living expense literally means living expense. 

4. It's easier to travel when you have time but no money, than trying to travel when you have money, but no time. 

5. After college, time really feels so precious. And time NOW is the most precious. 

6. Early 20's is the time to try everything, do everything, and learn what this world is about! Still young and energetic for adventures, yet old enough to do just about anything you want to do. (Just be wise about how you use this freedom!) 

7. You are either doing the bare minimum to stay in the game, hustling to stay ahead of the game, or standing still and lagging behind the game.

8. Some friendships are meant to last a lifetime. These friends are more precious than gold. 

9. You have to have courage to dream big and faith to actually pursue these dreams. 

10. If you don't chase after your dream, someone else will. 

11. Uncertainties and risks give you an opportunity for greater faith. 

12. I will never be perfect, but that's okay. 

13. When you fully trust in God's goodness, rejections and closed doors don't phase you. You just know there's something better coming your way.

14. Have no compassion for fear. Don't cuddle fear like a baby, because it only nurtures it. We cannot afford to give into fear, unbelief, and doubt. 

15. Time solves the mysteries of the past. All the uncertainties of today will be clear in the right time, so be patient. 

16. Remembrance + Thankfulness = Praise

17. Be resilient. Don't give up so easily and don't take offense so easily. 

18. It's much easier to hangout and meet up with people in college than when you are out of college.  

19. Love is creative and love inspires. Likewise, the Gospel. 

20. Don't exhaust yourself. A rested soul loves well. 

21. The world is a mess, but don't let the revelation of darkness be greater than the revelation of light.

22. Live faithful to your true self. Your calling isn't about what you do, but about who you are called to be. 


2016 - 1 SECOND A DAY // Life at Boston University to life in LA

January 10, 2017

I used the app 1 Second Everyday to record one second videos of my life from Jan. 1 -  Dec. 31st 2016. This is my year in review story. 

Looking back at my year, there are many things I am thankful for. I'm really grateful for my amazing Symphony Church community who extended so much grace and love to me during my four years at Boston University. Thank you for teaching me about what it means to be in a community, to have people to do life together with, and to love one another as Christ loves us. 

Also, during my time at home, I wanted to really rest and have time to think about what I want to do with my life, without the distraction of what I feel like the world is telling me to do, and without constantly comparing myself to what everyone else is doing. So I went on a "super rest" period where I cut off all social media for about a month and a half. In this time, I realized it's not the "likes" I get on social media that increase the happiness meter of my life, but rather the simple appreciation of life itself.  It was when I began to see the beauty in the simple routine of life (things like the sun rising each morning, birds singing outside, having a roof over my head, the presence of my parents...) that I began to realize how blessed I am with just the fact that I woke up that morning to live this another day.  And with this realization, I can confidently say, this time of rest at home was one of the happiest times of my life, away from the busyness, away from comparisons, and away from the constant strivings of the world. 

Another thing I wold like to share is that when I moved to LA, I did not have a job lined up. I simply moved in faith. It was a risk for me to just move to LA with no job, but I took it as a chance to walk out in faith and to trust in God's provision. But even after I moved, it wasn't easy getting a job, especially in the media industry that I wanted to get into. And this was a time of rejections after rejections. However. with every closed door, I took it as just another event leading me to the right job at the right time. I first took a part time job working in the music business, which was awesome to say the least, because I got to see how music producers and artists come together to pitch their music to music supervisors, I got my first experience in doing social media marketing, and also, this job got me to learn how to make videos using Premiere Pro (which I also have my videographer friend @JoshChungFilms to thank). But the very best thing about this part time job was that I had the freedom to work at home, which "home" actually meant that each day, I got to go out with a friend to explore the different cafes in LA, and to eat a lot of delicious desserts as I did my work. 

After about 2-3 months of part timing in the music business world, with prayer from my new Hillsong LA community, I received a full time job offer working in a media company in LA! 

If you are someone who is going through a hard time looking for your first job, or going through some type of transition, and you feel like you are just getting rejections after rejections, don't be discouraged! Just enjoy the free time you have to go out and explore, meet new people, spend time with friends and family, and to explore your passions! Eventually jobs will come and doors that need to be open will be opened :) 

Thanks for watching my first YouTube video on my channel, and I will be uploading more videos so please feel free to subscribe to my channel and join me on this journey~! 

Happy New Year and God bless! 


Instagram: @sharonkilonhan
Twitter: @sharonkilonhan

Music Credits:
Sokolovsky Music – Inspirational Indie Rock. CC BY 4.0.

Del- Lost Island (Original Mix). CC.