22 things I learned at age 22

January 11, 2017

I just turned 23, but I still feel 22. When I was 22, I felt 21. When I was 21, I felt 20. When I was 20, I felt 19. So technically, I'm 23, but I still feel like a teenager.

But thinking back at all these years that I've aged, year after year, I realize I did learn a lot, grew as a person, and I hope I can say, I've matured and gained some wisdom :) 

While it's only been a few days since I stepped away from Taylor Swift 22 days and into my Jordan year, I thought I would do some reflection. So here's 22 things I learned at age 22:

1. We are all a little lost, a little confused, and very much uncertain about life, but that's okay.

2. Our Facebook posts are decreasing while our Instagram posts are becoming artsier. 

3. Living expense literally means living expense. 

4. It's easier to travel when you have time but no money, than trying to travel when you have money, but no time. 

5. After college, time really feels so precious. And time NOW is the most precious. 

6. Early 20's is the time to try everything, do everything, and learn what this world is about! Still young and energetic for adventures, yet old enough to do just about anything you want to do. (Just be wise about how you use this freedom!) 

7. You are either doing the bare minimum to stay in the game, hustling to stay ahead of the game, or standing still and lagging behind the game.

8. Some friendships are meant to last a lifetime. These friends are more precious than gold. 

9. You have to have courage to dream big and faith to actually pursue these dreams. 

10. If you don't chase after your dream, someone else will. 

11. Uncertainties and risks give you an opportunity for greater faith. 

12. I will never be perfect, but that's okay. 

13. When you fully trust in God's goodness, rejections and closed doors don't phase you. You just know there's something better coming your way.

14. Have no compassion for fear. Don't cuddle fear like a baby, because it only nurtures it. We cannot afford to give into fear, unbelief, and doubt. 

15. Time solves the mysteries of the past. All the uncertainties of today will be clear in the right time, so be patient. 

16. Remembrance + Thankfulness = Praise

17. Be resilient. Don't give up so easily and don't take offense so easily. 

18. It's much easier to hangout and meet up with people in college than when you are out of college.  

19. Love is creative and love inspires. Likewise, the Gospel. 

20. Don't exhaust yourself. A rested soul loves well. 

21. The world is a mess, but don't let the revelation of darkness be greater than the revelation of light.

22. Live faithful to your true self. Your calling isn't about what you do, but about who you are called to be. 

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