Lunch break photoshoot

March 27, 2017

**All photos were edited using the WOODY COLLECTION Lightroom presets, which are available for purchase on the bottom of this page :) **

For those of you who told me you keep up with my blog, sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I have a journal full of project ideas, but I just haven't had the time to sit down and get to it.
The past weeks have been really crazy with my friend's wedding, church events, and my part time gig with music business. When life gets busy like this, sometimes, that 1 hour lunch break becomes the most productive hour of the day.

Especially when it comes to photography, and you need that daytime sunlight, that lunch break is the golden hour to go out and take some photos! So I took two of my coworkers out and we just roamed around our office area to take some photos!

We didn't know exactly where to take photos, so we just started off roaming around in front of our office building. 

Then we found this nice woody corner, and decided to pretend we are at some tropical forest far far away~

Then we headed over to LACMA, which we've been blessed to work so close by to.
Miss Celebrity walking down the street x) 

My favorite shot from this lunch break photoshoot :) Sun kissed joy on this fine sunny day~