The Super Rest

October 10, 2016

One thing about my family is that each summer, we go on a family camping trip. Over the years, I've been to more National Parks than I can count with my two hands. But THIS camping trip was one that was one of the most beautiful. 

We tetris packed our car with all our camping gears and drove over 1,000 miles from Chicago to Colorado's Rocky Mountain National Park.

When it comes to camping trips, it's never just about the destination, but about the whole car ride there and back. 17 hours of being forced to sit down in a small contained space with family means listening to parents' funny childhood stories, going through all 7 CDs of dad's old pop song albums, and getting lost in my daydreams. 

Throughout this camping trip, I had my phone on airplane mode, and went into a "super rest" mode, finding a cure to the infectious millennial disease of phone addiction. 

Lying down in our cozy tent while looking out into these tall wild tress, I couldn't stop saying to myself, "아... 행복하다." ("I'm so happy"). 

Even though every time I had to use the restroom, I had to walk up this hill to the public bathroom station, this view on the way made it hard to complain about the inconvenience. This photo was taken early in the morning with fresh morning dew still moist in the air. Simply beautiful. I could not stop overflowing with praise and thanksgiving, thinking about how this magnificent sunrise happens every morning. What a gift each day is! 

Reminded of God's goodness and His faithfulness looking at this rainbow over our campsite one afternoon. 

Dad thought it would be fun to do a plank on this wooden bridge.

Breathing in this awe inspiring nature, the creative side in me started to awaken, and my brain started to fire up so many ideas for the future. My number one strength, according to Strengthsfinder 2.0 is that I'm "futuristic." Which basically means that I get excited about the future and am good at getting people inspired by what is to come. This time of rest has been a preparation stage of storing up inspirations to be unleashed in the future. This trip took place in a pivotal transition period in my life, of having recently graduated from college and of moving out of home into the new land of Los Angeles. I do not know yet where this life will take me. However, I am excited about it. Even if life keeps throwing me darts of discouragements, I will pick up the courage of knowing that the God who so wonderfully crafted this beautiful nature is also crafting my life story.

My life is filled with spontaneous projects and random adventures, so I'm not sure what type of blog "click of a moment" will turn out to be. But one thing I do know is that my heart is filled with ideas and hopes, and I just have a feeling this is just the beginning of an incredible adventure. 

Thanks for reading, and welcome to my blog :) 

x SKH 

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